The Lambda Chapter Board of Advisors ("BOA") serves to provide guidance to the undergraduate chapter members regarding all facets of chapter management. The BOA has a conference call with the chapter officers on a bi-monthly basis. Additionally, each chapter officer has an alumni counterpart who served in the undergraduate’s officer position while an active member. The alumni counterparts stay in regular contact with the chapter officers to mentor the officers and answer any questions they may have.
Current Advisors:
Prytanis (President) - James Easter
Epiprytanis (Vice President) - Sebastian Atwood
Grammateus (Secretary) - Patrick Gehl
Crysopheles (Treasurer) - Mike Goeldi
Histor (Historian) - Ken Chwatek
Hypophetes (Chaplin) - Bobby O'Neil
Pylortes (Sargent at Arms) - Sebastian Atwood
Hegemon (Pledge Trainor) - Kevin Wolf
Recruitment/Rush Officer - Joe Burich
Social Chairman - James Easter